Runes of Mystery
Runes of Mystery | User Agreement

User Agreement

User Agreement

The User / Member accepts, declares and undertakes that he / she accepts this "Runes of Mystery User Agreement" with his / her electronic approval in the digital environment where the Website is located, that the membership process is completed with the said approval and that this Agreement has entered into force, that he / she has read, understood, approved all of the provisions of the Agreement and that he / she has read all legal texts on the Website, including the "Clarification Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data, Explicit Consent Text, and that it is an annex and integral part of this Agreement.

Personal Data: All kinds of personal information determined within the framework of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and related legislation to directly or indirectly identify the User / Member, including but not limited to the name, surname, e-mail address, age and gender information provided by Runes of Mystery in the digital environment with the consent of the User / Member in order to become a member of the Website, and if the User / Member connects to the Website through social media accounts, including but not limited to the information that the User / Member consents to be shared through those channels;

Processing of Personal Data: All kinds of operations performed on personal data such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, modifying, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing the use of personal data by fully or partially automatic means or by non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system;

User/Member: It refers to all persons/persons, including but not limited to the user, player, who become a member of the Website by providing the information requested by Runes of Mystery in full with their own consent and by accepting this Agreement, who can log in to the Website with the username and password to be determined by themselves, who are parties to this Agreement.

Agreement Runes of Mystery User Agreement



All kinds of games, content, materials, materials, documents, information, graphics, designs, products, in-game accounts, in-game products, access information, links, e-mail services, software, updates and other similar services offered by to Users/Members and visitors are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Trademark Law, Patent Law and other relevant laws and all of the tangible and intangible elements and assets listed in this article are the sole and exclusive property of Runes of Mystery. Runes of Mystery has the right to dispose of these assets. Runes of Mystery has the right to temporarily or permanently stop, change or discontinue all kinds of products and/or services offered through the Website or other channels, collectively or individually, partially or completely. In such a case, the User / Members shall not have any claim against Runes of Mystery and / or any right to claim compensation under any name whatsoever.

Kullanıcı/Üye veya Web Sitesi ziyaretçileri Runes of Mystery’nin tek başına mülkiyetinde olduğunu bilir ve kabul ederler. Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan ürünlerin ve/veya bunlarla doğrudan veya dolaylı bağlantılı diğer her nevi servis hizmetlerini kullanan, bunlardan istifade eden veya bunlara erişmeye çalışanlar kişisel her nevi girişim ve sorumluluklarının işbu bildirim ile farkında sayılacaklardır. Kullanıcı/Üye ve/veya Web Sitesi ziyaretçilerinin bu Sözleşme’nin yanı sıra Runes of Mystery gizlilik ve 6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu ve ilgili mevzuat uyarınca kişisel verilerin korunmasına ilişkin ilkelerini de kabul ettiklerini beyan ederler. Üye, Web Sitesi’ne kayıt için vermiş olduğu bütün kişisel bilgileri kendi rızasıyla Runes of Mystery ne sağladığını, işbu bilgilerin doğru olduğunu, Runes of Mystery tarafından Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesini kabul ettiğini ve böylece mezkur kişiler Runes of Mystery hizmetlerinden istifade ettikleri sırada ilgili yasalara uymayı taahhüt eder; bu noktada yasalara aykırı tüm eylem ve işlemlerinden sadece kendilerinin sorumlu olacağını taahhüt eder; anılan sebeplerle hiçbir surette Runes of Mystery‘ye rücu etme haklarının bulunmayacağını kabul ederler. Üye, oluşturduğu kullanıcı adı ve şifresini üçüncü kişiler ile paylaşmayacağını; kullanıcı adı ve şifrenin seçimi, gizliliği ve korunmasının tamamı ile kendi sorumluluğunda olduğunu; Runes of Mystery’nin kullanıcı adı ve şifre kullanımından doğacak problemlerden kesinlikle sorumlu olmadığını kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder. Üye, kendisi hakkında vermiş olduğu kişisel bilgiler ile Web Sitesi’ne giriş ve bağlantı ile kullanım kayıt ve bilgilerinin, bunlara ait verilerin Runes of Mystery tarafından saklanmasını, depolanmasını, yedeklenmesini, silinmesini, kayıt altına alınmasını, kontrol edilmesini; işbu Sözleşme ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması ve İşlenmesi Dair Sözleşme ve Aydınlatma Metni çerçevesinde Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesini kabul eder. Aynı şekilde Üye, kendisine ait iletişim bilgileri ve sair verilerin Runes of Mystery ve/veya bağlantılı kurum, kuruluş ve kişiler tarafından başkaca hizmet veya çalışmalar veya ticari amaçlı faaliyetler için tekrar izin almaksızın veya kendisine bildirim yapılmaksızın kullanılabileceğini ve bunun için Runes of Mystery veya kullanımı gerçekleştirecek kişilerden herhangi bir hak, alacak, bedel ve sair maddi, manevi hiçbir talepte bulunmayacağını kabul, beyan ve taahhüt eder. Runes of Mystery, işbu Sözleşme ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması ve İşlenmesi Dair Sözleşme ve Aydınlatma Metni çerçevesinde Üye’ye ait her türlü bilgi ve kayıtları resmi makamlarla paylaşabilir, kendisi kayıt altına alabilir, kontrol edebilir, yedekleyebilir, saklayabilir ve sair şekillerde İşleyebilir. Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan hizmetlerin işbu kullanım şartlarına aykırı kullanılması halinde Runes of Mystery Kullanıcı/Üye’nin veya Web Sitesi ziyaretçilerinin bu hizmetlere erişimini Web Sitesi üzerinden geçici veya kalıcı olarak sonlandırma hakkına haizdir. Runes of Mystery’nin bu şekilde bir tasarrufta bulunması halinde Kullanıcı/Üye’nin herhangi bir itiraz hakkı bulunmamaktadır. Böyle bir durumda Runes of Mystery üzerinden sunulan her nevi hizmet sırasında Kullanıcı/Üye’nin zilyetliğine giren lisanslar dahil her nevi materyalin Kullanıcı/Üye tarafından imha edilmesi yükümlülüğü Kullanıcı/Üye’ye aittir.

The User / Member cannot transfer the passwords, user names or any other rights given to them in order to benefit from Runes of Mystery services to other persons; cannot make them use them, cannot subject them to trade with or without consideration; cannot make any claims against Runes of Mystery regarding the consequences of their actions and / or transactions in the opposite direction.

The User / Member is responsible for all negligence and defects in matters such as the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and use of the means of access to the system. Runes of Mystery does not have any responsibility in this regard.

The User / Member knows and accepts that all kinds of elements and assets created within the services or products offered by Runes of Mystery do not have a commercial or material value.


Any application or code or other data obtained through electronic or physical media or platforms or channels owned by Runes of Mystery or Runes of Magic will be used within the scope of Intellectual and Industrial Property Law and related laws and international conventions and subject to the terms of use mentioned herein.

Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan hizmetlerden istifade edilmesi amacıyla Kullanıcı/Üye’nin ilgili kanalın veya platformun lüzumlu kıldığı teknik veya fiziksel gerekliliklere, gerekli bağlantı alt yapı ve diğer donanıma sahip olması gerekir. Söz konusu gerekliliğin temini Kullanıcı/Üye’nin yükümlülüğündedir. Bu hususta Runes of Mystery’nin herhangi bir sorumluluğu bulunmamaktadır. Internet bağlantısı ile ilgili olarak servis sağlayıcılardan, altyapıdan veya Kullanıcı/Üye’den kaynaklanan her nevi aksaklık sadece Kullanıcı/Üye’nin sorumluluğundadır. Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan hizmetlerden yararlanılması halinde hizmetten yararlanma, zamanı ve sıklığı Runes of Mystery tarafından mevcut kullanıcı sayısı, süresi ve diğer verilere göre tayin edilecektir. Kullanıcı/Üye’nin Runes of Mystery hizmetlerinden yararlanırken kullandıkları hesaplarının güvenliğinin temini için Runes of Mystery tarafından mümkün olan en yüksek teknolojik ve/veya durumun icap ettirdiği yahut Runes of Mystery tarafından uygun bulunan tedbirlerden istifade edilecektir. Kullanıcı/Üye’nın Runes of Mystery nezdinde varsa hesaplarının veya sunulan hizmetin kullandırıldığı platform veya kanalların güvenliğini sağlama mükellefiyetlerinden ilk derecede ve doğrudan sorumlu oldukları; aksi şekilde ortaya çıkan hesap güvenliği problemlerinde Runes of Mystery’ye karşı herhangi bir talep hakkı bulunmayacağı tarafların ortak kabulü ve iradesidir. Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan her nevi hizmet veya ürün ve bunlarla bağlantılı hizmetlerin sunulması sırasında ortaya çıkabilecek teknik sebeplerin etkisi ile Kullanıcı/Üye’nin Runes of Mystery nezdinde veya 3. Kişiler yahut kurumlar üzerindeki hesaplarının ve/veya bu hesaplardaki herhangi bir unsurun geçici veya kalıcı şekilde kaybolması yahut kullanılmaz duruma gelmesi halinde söz konusu durum ve sonuçtan Runes of Mystery sorumlu tutulamaz. Runes of Mystery tarafından tüketiciye, tüketici tarafından bu site üzerinden yapılan satın almalar neticesinde, tüketici lehine hiçbir şekilde kazanılmış hak vasfı arz etmeyecek şekilde, tek taraflı, ihtiyari ve dönemsel olarak, ek bir ücret ödenmeksizin ve bu sitede sunulan hizmetler kapsamında kullanmak üzere verilen bonusların azami kullanım süresi teslim anından itibaren 3 aydır. Tüketici mezkur bonusları, bunların kendisine teslim ediliş (e-mail ile veya ilgili Kullanıcı/Üye hesaplarına her türlü elektronik transfer yöntemleri dahil olmak üzere) tarihinden itibaren azami 3 aylık süre içerisinde kullanabilir. Bu süre içerisinde kullanılmayan bonuslar süre sonunda sistemsel olarak iptal edilecek olup, bu süreden sonra ilgili tüketici aynı bonusların kullandırılmasına dair bir talep hakkına haiz değildir.

Runes of Mystery is not responsible for any typographical errors that may be found in the prices on the Runes of Mystery website.

Runes of Mystery Company does not make any commitment regarding the quality, safety, legality or legality of the products and services offered.

Although the User / Member has seen the price of the product on the site and has paid the price and notified the site of payment, he / she accepts that the prices at the time he / she writes the name of the product he / she wants to buy or passes the product to his / her account through the site will be valid.

If product prices differ within the site, the highest price will be valid.

Kullanıcı/Üye, Site üzerinden başkaca web sitelerine, portallara link verilmesi halinde verilen bu linklerin amacının referans kolaylığı sağlamak olduğu, garanti niteliği taşımadığı alınacak olası hizmetle ilgili Runes of Mystery’nin herhangi bir sorumluluğunun bulunmadığını kabul, beyan ve taahhüt etmektedir.

Payments are processed to the accounts thanks to the explanations written by the User / Member in the payments. The User / Member accepts, declares and undertakes that Runes of Mystery will not be liable for any damages that may occur as a result of incomplete / incorrect entry of explanations; however, payments can only be made to the personal account and the user is solely responsible for the accuracy of the account numbers.

The User / Member accepts, declares and undertakes that there is no right of withdrawal.

During the use of the services offered by Runes of Mystery; any other transactions, actions and dispositions that constitute a crime within the scope of the current legislation, including but not limited to advertising, unfair competition, terrorism, republic, state, religion, racism, drugs, correspondence about politicians or other legal entities, pornographic content, use of slang words or behaviors aimed at harassing other players or insulting the spiritual memory of Atatürk are prohibited and contrary to the rules of this Agreement. In such cases of use, the User / Member may be temporarily or permanently deprived by Runes of Mystery from accessing and benefiting from the services, and the relevant content, materials, data and other elements created by the User / Member, if any, may be shared by Runes of Magic with official authorities and authorities upon request. Runes of Magic is only responsible for the removal of such illegal content from the relevant accounts, User / Member assets or related accessible media or site content to the extent that its technical capabilities allow, and is not responsible to the relevant account holder for its practices in this direction. For the same reasons, User/Member information may be shared with official and administrative authorities, including but not limited to prosecution authorities and police units, based on proper applications. Istanbul Anatolian Courts and Istanbul Anatolian Execution Offices are authorized to resolve disputes arising between Runes of Mystery and the User / Member regarding the use of the services offered by Runes of Mystery.

Data Sharing By accepting this Agreement and the Agreement on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data and the Clarification Text, the User / Member agrees that the personal data he / she has shared with his / her consent can be used to provide and offer various advantages to him / her and to provide personalized advertising, sales, marketing, surveys, including making all kinds of electronic communications and sending other communication messages for reservation privileges and similar purposes, remembering the preferences you have made and personalizing your use of the Website, monitoring how you use the Website, such as where you connect to the Website, what content you view on the Website and the duration of your visit; It accepts, declares and undertakes that it has consented to the collection, storage, processing, use and transfer of personal data for the purpose of determining how you use the Website. For the same purposes, such personal data will be shared with all our direct/indirect domestic/foreign subsidiaries/affiliates, our parent company and all its direct/indirect domestic/foreign subsidiaries and affiliates, and third parties who have a business relationship with us or who are project partners, who have the same legal and technical responsibilities as Runes of Mystery regarding data protection and security, and who comply with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

The User / Member accepts, declares and undertakes that he / she consents to the use and processing of his / her data, which he / she shares with his / her consent, in order to provide and offer various advantages and new products / services and to make all kinds of electronic communication for special advertising, sales, marketing, surveys, promotions, campaigns and similar purposes and to send other communication messages.

Apart from the personal information requested in e-mail addresses and membership forms, the Website analyzes and interprets visitor movements and preferences that it monitors during site use. This statistical data, which does not contain personal information, can be shared with Runes of Mystery business partners in order to provide a more special and effective shopping experience for Website customers.

Only the User / Member can access all the information that the User / Member enters into the system and only the User / Member can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information.

The credit card information of the User / Member requested on the payment page is in no way kept on the servers of the Website or the companies that serve it in order to keep the security of the User / Member shopping on the Website at the highest level. In this way, it is ensured that all transactions for payment are realized between the User / Member's bank and computer via the Website interface.

All intellectual-industrial rights and property rights in all kinds of information, content and their arrangement and partial / complete use on our site belong to Runes of Mystery.

All credit card and Personal Data belonging to the User/Member are encrypted with the SSL Secure system, the internet security standard. In this way, this information is prevented from being intercepted by unwanted persons or organizations in any way during roaming on the internet.


The products and services purchased by users/members from this website are within the scope of goods delivered to the consumer/user immediately, and such sales are not subject to the provisions regarding the right of withdrawal from the sale and the use of this right regulated within the scope of the Legislation on the Protection of Consumers and the applicable international conventions on this subject. Accordingly, the products and services subject to the purchases made by users through this site are deemed to be consumed upon delivery to the user and cannot be subject to return or replacement request. The user / consumers accept, declare and undertake this issue. sitesinden kullanıcı/tüketiciler tarafından alınan her türlü ürün veya hizmetin anında ifa edilen edim niteliğinden olmasından ötürü bu ürün veya hizmetlerin kullanımı ve fayda elde edilmesinde kullanıcı/tüketici hatalarından kaynaklanan etkilerden ve zararlardan Runes of Mystery sorumlu değildir. Runes of Mystery tarafından sunulan her türlü hizmet ve ürünün yukarıda anılan vasıflarından ötürü kullanımından ve başarımından doğan risklerin tümü kullanıcıya/tüketiciye aittir. Mesafeli Sözleşme niteliğindeki bu site içindeki işlem ve sözleşmeler ilgili mevzuata göre, elektronik ortamda anında ifa edilen hizmetler ve tüketiciye anında teslim edilen mallara ilişkin sözleşmeler cayma hakkı ve kullanımına ilişkin hükümlere tabi değildir. Bu nedenle Runes of Mystery tarafından hiçbir koşul altında ücret iadesi veya değiştirme yapılmamaktadır. Kullanıcılar işbu sitenin sunduğu ürün ve hizmetlerle ilgili olarak beyan edilen bu durumu bilir ve kabul ederler.

3. Runes of Mystery cannot be held responsible for the non-delivery or delay of the delivery due to problems experienced by individuals or on platforms.

In the event that any violation or action that will be considered as a violation of the terms of use and participation of the users within the scope of Runes of Mystery services offered by Runes of Mystery and all kinds of services related to it is detected, the user's account in the system will be frozen for a temporary or permanent period of time with the consent of the copyright holder, all kinds of rights and usage possibilities provided directly or indirectly by the relevant service. In this case, the user declares, accepts and undertakes that he/she will not re-enter the system, the service offered, all kinds of electronic platforms and similar environments related to this service and that he/she will not request the return of the payments made until that moment, if any.

The maximum period of use of the bonuses given by Runes of Mystery to the consumer, as a result of the purchases made by the consumer through this site, in favor of the consumer in a way that does not constitute a vested right in any way, unilaterally, voluntarily and periodically, without any additional fee and within the scope of the services offered on this site, is 3 months from the moment of delivery. The consumer may use the aforementioned bonuses within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of their delivery (including by e-mail or any electronic transfer methods to the relevant user accounts). Bonuses not used within this period will be systematically canceled at the end of this period and the relevant consumer is not entitled to a request for the use of the same bonuses after this period.

Invoices that are not requested by Runes of Mystery on a consumer basis are invoiced in bulk. If requested by the consumer, the invoice to be created for the purchase made and requested by the consumer through this site will be provided to the requesting consumer via e-mail as soon as possible.


In cases where the product subject to the order cannot be supplied for various reasons or in cases where it is decided to refund the User with the decisions of the arbitration committee, the refund procedure for payment options is stated below:

a) Refund Procedure in Payment Options with Credit Card;

If the shopping has been done with a credit card in installments; the bank makes the refund to the User in installments, depending on the number of installments paid.

After Runes of Mystery pays the full amount of the refund to the bank at once, in case of the refund of the installment expenditures made from the Bank poses to the User's credit card, the requested refund amounts are transferred to the bearer party accounts by the Bank in installments in order to prevent the parties involved in the matter from being victimized. The installment amounts paid by the User until the cancellation of the sale, if the return date and the account cut-off dates of the card do not coincide, 1 (one) refund will be reflected on the card every month, and the User will receive the installments paid before the return after the installments of the sale are over, and the number of installments paid before the return will be deducted from the existing debts.

Kart ile alınmış mal ve hizmetin iadesi durumunda Runes of Mystery, Banka ile yapmış olduğu sözleşme gereği Kullanıcı'ya nakit para ile ödeme yapamaz.

Runes of Mystery will refund the relevant payment in case of a refund transaction, and since Runes of Mystery is obliged to pay the relevant amount to the Bank in cash or in offset, the User cannot be paid in cash in accordance with the procedure we have explained above. The refund to the credit card will be made by the Bank in accordance with the above procedure after Runes of Mystery pays the amount to the Bank in one lump sum.

(b) Refund Procedure for Bank Transfer/EFT Options;

Refund will be made by bank transfer/EFT to the bank account from which the User made the payment, with the User's bank account information being requested.

Runes of Mystery reimburses the bank for the full product price in one lump sum.

In case of a refund for goods and services obtained via bank transfer, Runes of Magic cannot make a cash payment to the User as per the agreement made with the bank.

Runes of Mystery will refund the relevant payment in case of a refund transaction, and since Runes of Mystery is obliged to pay the relevant amount to the Bank in cash or by offset, the User cannot be paid in cash in accordance with the procedure we have explained above.

Runes of Mystery works with AGSPAY for domestic, international and global payment methods.


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